Monorail Gallery of Images

Monorail is a set of unpainted 6mm resin and metal miniatures produced by Brigade Models. Metal is present on the bottom part of wagons/engines, antennas and for the poles of the elevated tracks, otherwise resin is the material used. I have also used some nail covers as base for the elevated tracks' poles and made the base to look nice. I painted the miniatures and took photos with an 8mm white cube to serve as comparison with other miniatures. In the future I will post more photos using components of the monorail in other projects.

I wanted for some time to have these miniatures, to paint them and review them. In the future I will update some of the paints done, carefully choosing more details to paint. The miniatures are well cast in resin and there is not to much  need for cleaning. There is on complain regarding the elevated tracks which are warped and because they are thick I do not see to many solutions to straighten them. As for all the tracks, they are good, but I don't think I actually want to use them, but I will see in the future. I had some problems with the wagons that come in two pieces one metal for the wheels and base and resin for the actual wagon. I have cut parts of them because they did not fit well and used green stuff to hide holes and misfits (see the monorail images, the last section of the gallery). No matter, I wanted the wagons and still like them!

As for the paint schemes I have used  the following: passenger cars - blue, engines - yellow, freight cars - red (cavalry brown from vallejo which I like a lot), desert station (buff and brown), lunar station (gray and buff), tracks (brown and for the actual tracks bronze color and here and there some natural steel, all colors from vallejo). The tracks in particular I kept in neutral brown color, since I wish to employ the tracks in many environments (desert, winter, jungle ...) and that is why I did not follow the painting example from Brigade Models's site (I like very much the painted miniatures on this manufacturer site). The windows of the rolling stock was painted with natural steel and silver color.

I have assembled this gallery of images for the infrastructure and the rolling stock. I had much fun while working at this project. You may want to listen Mystery Train (Elvis) while painting. sixteen coaches long miniature train... not for now, but soon :)

1. Infrastructure

1.1. Stations

Desert Station

Lunar Station


1.2. Tracks

Elevated Track

Monorail Track


Track Junction 

2. Rolling stock

2.1. Engines


Lunar Carriages 

2.2. Wagons

Passenger Car


Flat Car

Freight Wagon 

Hazardous Waste Transporter Cars 

Tanker Wagon 

3. Miscellaneous

Monorail Images

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