The incredible 6mm miniatures from the DirtSide range are all presented here, in the order of the code that each miniature was given from the GZG's site. The cpdes DSM-125, grav vehicle stands, DSM-126 infantry element stands, DSM-145 assorted turrets and weapons medium and large types, DSM-146 assorted turrets and weapons small types and DSM-147 engineering and recovery vehicle accessory parts are not represented. With [a], [b] ..., are represented other images of the same miniature, dating back from a couple of years.
For the review of GZG miniatures from Dirtside, Future Wars, some Germy's Micro Minis and 15mm check here.
You may also want to check Future Wars Miniatures Images, Germy's Micro Minis or 15mm.
K56 Fat Boy Infantry Walker (DSM-142) [a] [b] [c] [d]
Pkz VII STURMKAMPFER Infantry Walker (DSM-143) [a] [b] [c] [d] [e]
Pkz VII STURMKAMPFER Infantry Walker (DSM-143) [a] [b] [c] [d] [e]
If you find it easier, here it is the alphabetically order of the miniatures:
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