US 2 1/2 ton Truck (CFA 4)

An American 2 1/2 ton Truck (CFA 4) from Coastal Forces, a range of 3mm unpainted miniatures produced by Heroics and Ros, well known for their 6mm miniatures. As any Heroics and Ros miniature, the metal has  a great quality and paints stick easy compared to other manufactures and taking into account the same preparation steps done. The sculpt is good but it has not that many details as miniatures from Oddzial Osmy. It can only be acquired in packs of 10 miniatures. A 8mm cube was added to compare the size. Please also read a note on painting and taking photos.
The back of US 2 1/2 ton Truck (CFA 4)

Painted 3mm US 2 1/2 ton Truck (CFA 4)

US 2 1/2 ton Truck (CFA 4) painted with Vallejo colors

The front view of US 2 1/2 ton Truck (CFA 4)

Four Vallejo colors were used to paint the miniature

Land units for Coastal Forces can be bought in packs of 10 miniatures

2 1/2 ton Truck from Coastal Forces, produced by Heroics and Ros

Patience is a must when painting this 3mm miniature, but it does not mean is hard, in fact is very fast, if you can refrain from wanting to highlight details

The truck is on the right (!)

Many details can be added, maybe in the future there will be enough time

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