Games Workshop 28 mm Miniatures Images - Middle-Earth Strategy Battle Game


I am a fan of Lord of the Rings, Hobbit, Middle-Earth and in general all in this universe from J.R.R. Tolkien, a master writer in fantasy to whom we have many things to owe. Since the wargame in this universe was resurrected by Games Workshop , I decided that it is the time to plundge in this wargame and also collecting some miniatures.


The miniatures come in plastic and are 28mm in height. They can be assembled easily, washed with liquid soap fast and glued to the provided base. The miniatures are quite easy to paint, but they lack some of the high details of other Games Workshop's miniatures. The base can be prepared with basing materials so that it enhance the miniatures and the factions that they are corresponding to. I did a basic job on the base, but plan to do more in the future.


Miniatures from the starter set of Middle-Earth Strategy Battle Game, Battle of Pelennor Fields, were painted and some additional miniatures from other sets. The miniatures were photographed and assembled here in a gallery of images.


The miniatures are easy to assemble and to paint. More easy than other miniatures from Games Workshop and their Warhammer 40.000 wargame, though the customization options and the high details are not too present. The prices for the miniatures are high. You can still do a good painting job, there are enough details, especially for the wargame aspect. If you decide only to collect miniatures from some of the factions from Middle-Earth, than again, you may succeed in doing this in steps, so that it will be affordable, in terms of money invested, but also in time offered for this hobby. You will have to search information about the different types of miniatures and lore from this Tolkien universe. Games Workshop clearly does not support this game like its flagship universe, Warhammer 40K, but it still does a good job: many miniatures launched and available, many books. If you are a Tolkien fan, you may want to check this game or paint some of the miniatures.


Click on the links to access the galleries of the ranges of miniatures, totaling 50+ miniatures and thousands of corresponding images.


Theoden, King of Rohan

Rider of Rohan

Warrior of Rohan

Warrior of the Dead

Mordor Troll

Morannon Orc

Witch-king of Angmar on Fell Beast

Warg Rider

Uruk-Hai Warrior

Mordor Orc

Warrior Of Minas Tirith

Easterling Warrior

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