Corvus Belli 28mm Miniatures Images - Infinity


I started painting with 6mm miniatures and did not want to start going into 28mm or other measures and scales, because I thought it would took longer to paint (I then have nothing in terms of paints or brush and everything needed) and expensive to collect. I first found out about Infinity, science fiction skirmish wargame produced by Corvus Belli, at my local hobby shop. I then started to read more about the game and its setting. It was a blast for me. I read more and more and decided to go easy in collecting miniatures, and even this step, after a long time because I was more into boardgames and cardgames and the like. I think I first got Ariadna and Nomads starter sets, composed each of six miniatures, but one that represented a turning point for me was Operation Red Veil. Years back, it was one of my first review for wargame products that I decided to publish here, on the blog. I then started to paint more, collect and read more from the incredible universe created by Corvus Belli, a Spanish company, for which I will always keep a special memory. Writing this review, I have some plans to go back and play this wargame and its newest edition, the 4th. And of course, I want to collect more of the miniatures that are renown for their amazing postures. There you go, enough reasons to collect and to keep the interest for these miniatures and for the next parts of this review.


The miniatures are from metal, some come in many parts, and you need to glue them. Cleaning has to be done, also priming is essential. As for painting them, I have used Vallejo paints. If I remember correctly, they were the first 28mm miniatures to be assembled and painted by me. Going from 6mm to 28mm it was a nightmare! I have learned the hard way what it means to do such a shift in hobby. Painting 28mm miniatures did not substitute painting 6mm miniatures, but it gave me some courage that I could do better. So not all the miniatures will look especially well painted by me. Sometimes you will need to do a little research on how to assemble and paint the miniatures. If you get the chance, you could use decals for your miniatures, representing the symbol for the factions and their units.


After collecting and painting miniatures from Infinity game I decided now to do a review of them and to have a new start in the game and hobby around it. Therefore, an image gallery was assembled and this present review.

One of the important aspects regarding the Infinity miniatures is the assembling process. The end result - miniature - may have a remarkable posture, but oftentimes it was hard to be achieved. There can be quite many parts that need to be assembled and doing this in 28mm, in metal, is not easy, because of the weight each part has and of the designs, sometimes tricky to fix and glue and to keep, and then to play... In general, there can sometimes glue hard. Also, on the first waves of miniatures that Corvus Belli produced, a thing that even the company latter acknowledged, the parts that needed to be glued were resulting in a ambitious miniature, but achieving this result from paper or a bag of metal parts it was a long way. Not always, but man, you would remember the pain in this process. Now, some of the miniatures are sharing this aspect, and I am no manufacturer but, honestly, they are great and you would have few options to achieve good results, at least in another way than Corvus Belli has done. Some of my miniatures may have some assembling problems (I also have received a Panoceania miniature with no arms and a Combined Army miniature with no base, accidents happen and I did not bother the manufacturer for the missing components).

With experience, you can also paint them very well. True, Angel Giraldez is only one, but for wargame paint job or even better you can do it with practice quite fast. If you want more, you will experience the real beauty of these miniatures. I think, it is like gadgets or expensive smartphones: you can have one for "snake" game (any old Nokia mobile phones fans out there?) or facebook's "wall" or you can really use it for more than this, and regularly update it and keep it fresh with new apps and accessories. You get the point. For this, decals, different paint job than the canon of Corvus Belli, and other metal parts to customize your miniatures can help. Also, do not forget about the base of the miniature, in general 25mm in diameter. You can adorn it with many things that can make the miniature look even more majestic, even trying to be true to the setting (for example, representing desert environment for Haqqislam faction, which is native to the Bourak planet). I started to paint and added things to make a great base (at least for my tastes, even caught an idea from here and there - hobby community I love you!) with Infinity miniatures. It was with them that I realized how important can they be.

Oh, yes, factions! I forgot to write about them. Infinity miniatures can be collected as you please, or, especially if you would also like to play a game of Infinity you can collect miniatures from a faction. In total there are many factions and sub-factions, and also it is important to know that the "cast" changed from time to time, so you may not be able to find some of the miniatures or to have story updates for some of the factions or sub-factions. This can upset a long time collector, but can be a right move for the future of the whole range of miniatures. The main factions are: Panoceania, Yu Jing, Ariadna, Haqqislam, Nomad, Combined Army, Aleph and Tohaa, and the new NA2, meaning the Non-Aligned Armies, basically mercenaries and Japanese - let us stick just to these details, but you may want to read more: the website for Infinity game is a treasure, one of the best in terms of resources supplementing the game, miniatures and setting out there, so well done Corvus Belli! So we have many human faction represented in a near future and aliens (Combined Army and Tohaa) and the AI (Aleph). 

You can tell by the latter paragraph that I am a fan of the fluff for this game. Busted! I also enjoy the miniatures, splendid in many aspects, though not always easy to finish them. You can spend a lot of time to paint these miniatures if you want to achieve good results, they have enough details to satisfy this need. I like all the miniatures, but I have my favorites: Haqqislam and Yu Jing. 

There are things to improve like the number and variation of miniatures for some of the factions and the difficulty to assemble some of the miniatures. There is the problem of price, which can be a real problem. Some of the miniatures are now out of production and coming from the setting that evolved in over 15 years, other things can change in the future as this game and range of miniatures is "alive".

Infinity is a complete range of miniatures and skirmish game - great miniatures to paint, great setting and great fan support from Corvus Belli. Hope you like it, too!


Click on the links to access the galleries of the ranges of miniatures, totaling 50+ miniatures and thousands of corresponding images.

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